Gameplay features two distinct styles, with each being played either during daytime or nighttime. The story follows Sonic as he attempts to restore the world after his nemesis Doctor Eggman shatters it with a powerful laser to unleash Dark Gaia, an ancient evil, while dealing with having become a "Werehog", a werewolf-like transformation, which he gains after coming into contact with the energy of Dark Gaia. Sonic Unleashed is a 2008 platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Sonic Unleashed also makes use of Auto-HDR, a feature that should apply to the entire Xbox Series X backwards compatible library, but is extra appreciated in a game that did not see an Xbox One X patch like Sonic Generations.Platformer, action-adventure, beat 'em up In addition to JMotion0's video on Twitter, they followed up with answers to fans curious about specific changes. After trying out several cutscenes that suffered from lag on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One, there were notable improvements on the Xbox Series X that will have you breezing through levels the way they were meant to be played. Related: Modders Bring Doom, Sonic, And More To Super Mario 64 Gripes also centered around the night-time components in Unleashed, but performance issues aside, some of the daytime stages have become fan favorites.
It was also the title that gave us Sonic the Werehog, a werewolf-like form of the blue speedster that unfortunately suffered the most in some of Sonic Unleashed's more laggy levels. Sonic Unleashed remained a divisive entry to the series over the years after launching in 2008, but the game's frequent complaints focused mostly on clunky controls and poor optimization. After the footage made its way to Twitter, Sonic fans eagerly followed up with more questions, comparing the 12-year-old game's Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Xbox Series X performances. Over a decade later, Sonic Unleashed loses the lag and plays like a next-gen game on Xbox Series X via backwards compatibility.